Frequently Asked Questions
Who can be a member?
Membership is available to any business, organization or government entity that wishes to support the Chamber’s mission and take advantage of the services and benefits provided by the organization.
Who in a business, organization or government entity is a member?
All employees of a Chamber member organization can use all of the resources we offer.
How much does it cost to join the Aurora Area Chamber of Commerce?
The Chamber’s Fair Share Investment Formula calculates each member’s investment to correlate with the company’s investment in the community, usually based on employment. For more information, contact our Membership Director today.
Is our company’s membership investment tax deductible?
The Aurora Area Chamber of Commerce is registered as a 501c(6) organization. Membership in the Chamber may be tax deductible as an ordinary and necessary business expense. None of your dues goes toward a paid lobbyist. Please check with your tax professional. (IRS Publication 529 –
The number of employees in my business fluctuates throughout the year; do I have to adjust my investment amount during the year?
No, your investment is for the full year and any changes in employment levels are to be made at renewal.
Did you know we offer discounts on Health Insurance for our members?
How do I join the Aurora Area Chamber?
It’s easy! Just fill out this form and email it to [email protected]
How do I find out if a business is a member of the Chamber?
Please search our online business directory. You may search by business category
Does the Chamber provide a Certificate of Origin?
Yes, these documents required for exporting to certain countries may be obtained for free by members and for a fee by all other companies.
How do I get to the Chamber office?
We are located at 121 E Olive Aurora MO 65605
Office Hours at 9-4 daily - call 417-678-4150